The Wayang Performance of Enthus Susmono: A Resistance of Tegal-Pesisiran Identity in Breaking the Tradition Hegemony

Hariyanto Hariyanto



This article aims to reveal and explain the process of cultural resistance appeared as a result of cultural violence conducted by authoritarian government regime in Indonesia. The standardization process of puppetry style, which was based on the tradition hegemony of Keraton Surakarta and Ngayogyakarta, in Enthus Susmono’s view, was considered as being a political practice of cultural violence existed during the New Order era – a practice that seemed to eliminate minor puppetry traditions in the Javanese culture. It is in the framework of Titon’s model that the appearance of a culture form may result from a historical memory that this article tries to explain the cultural resistance efforts by Susmono, which were represented in his performance of Wayang golek Gagrag Tegalan, in order to articulate the cultural identity of Tegal-Pesisiran.
Keywords: Enthus Susmono; wayang golek Tegal; wayang Pesisiran

Wayang Gaya Enthus Susmono: Resistensi Identitas Tegal-Pesisiran dalam Mendobrak Hegemoni Tradisi. Tulisan ini ingin mengungkap serta menjelaskan proses resistensi kultural yang timbul akibat praktik kekerasan budaya oleh hegemoni rezim pemerintahan yang otoriter di Indonesia. Upaya standarisasi pedalangan yang berpijak pada hegemoni tradisi dua istana, yaitu Surakarta dan Ngayogyakarta, oleh Enthus Susmono dipandang sebagai praktik politik kekerasan budaya terjadi semasa Orde Baru, yang seolah-olah menghilangkan berbagai tradisi kecil dunia pedalangan di Jawa. Melalui Pandangan Titon bahwa kemunculan sebuah bentuk kebudayaan yang didasari oleh memori kesejarahan, artikel ini menjelaskan mengenai resistensi kultural yang dilakukan Enthus Susmono, yakni melalui karyanya dalam pertunjukan Wayang Golek Gagrag Tegalan, untuk mengekspresikan dan mengartikulasikan identitas budaya Tegal-Pesisiran.
Kata kunci: Enthus Susmono; wayang golek Tegal; wayang Pesisiran

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Recorded Performances

Wayang Kulit (Leather Puppet Shadow) show aired by Indosiar in 1997, playing the story of Sugriwa-Subali. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Kulit show aired by Indosiar in 2001, playing the story of Sugriwa-Subali. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Kulit aired in TVRI East Java (no exact years, but there is an information that it was performed at the same time of the incident of Lumpur Lapindo), playing the story of Pandhawa Gugat. Downloaded

from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Kulit show with the story of Begawan Dawala. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Kulit show in the event of Wayang Performance of Enthus Susmono Festival 2009, Denpasar Bali, playing the story of Dewa Ruci. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Kulit routinely performed in Taman Budaya Central Java, 2015, playing the story of Subali Lena. Personal Recording.

Wayang Kulit in Rembang performed in 2017, playing the story of Pandhawa Layar. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Kulit show in Purwodadi performed in 2018, playing the story of Banjaran Gathotkaca. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Santri show playing the story of Lupit Dadi Jaksa. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Santri show playing the story of Lupit Dadi Dhukun. Live Performance in Jatinegara, Tegal Regency in March 2018.

Wayang Santri show in Magelang in the year of 2015 playing the story of Samson Delilah. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Santri show with the story of Anjala-Anjali. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Santri show in the event of “Hari Lahir PKB” playing the story of Lupit Nulung Putri. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Golek Gagrag Tegalan in the closing of World Puppets Day 2016 in ISI Surakarta, with the story of Kembang Wijaya Kesuma. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.

Wayang Golek Gagrag Tegalan in the event of pesta sedekah laut Pelabuhan Tegal, in Desember 2017, playing the story of Resi Adam Awal-Adam Akhir. Downloaded from Youtube: 10 April 2018.


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