Videografi Kampanye dalam Mitos Seni Propaganda (Analisis Semiotik Terhadap Video Klip Politik Pilpres Indonesia 2014)
Campaign Videography in Propaganda Art Myth (Semiotic Analysis towards Politics Video Clip of Indonesian
Presidential Election 2014). Digital videography is one of the audio-visual work of art that developed
with the support of recording media technology. In addition to presenting the charged aesthetic value as a work
of art, videography also has a function as media propaganda, as seen in the presidential election campaign
videography. In the 2014 presidential election, both candidates for president and vice president using the medium
of video as a tool to build their image in society. Effectiveness videography become the focus of the study,
the extent to which the media can build a new myth in society in accordance with the imaging is presented in
the campaign video. By comparing both video campaigns of each candidate for president and vice president, we
can see how both sides provide imaging in accordance with the idealized image seoramg leader. Prabowo -Hatta
describe a leader who firmly and nationalist spirit, while Jokowi-JK portray themselves as populist leader
figure. Then when videography charged art used for political, practical aesthetic symptoms can be translated as
propaganda art discourse by postmodern art theory. By looking at the interest of the public who enthusiastically
supported the two presidential candidates and their representatives can be said that the image made by both
parties fairly successful. But the discourse of propaganda art is only a myth of mass culture that is momentary,
because when the season finishes public campaigning has gained a new myth about the performance of
President. So from the phenomenon of Indonesian presidential campaign’s video in 2014 can be understood
that the culture of democracy in Indonesia has experienced significant growth, and with the support of technology
videography arena of ideological struggle-even extends not only affects political ideology, but also involves the
ideology of artists, ideology works of art, and the ideology of society into the arena.
Keywords: Videography, Art Propaganda, and Myth.
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Laman, 12/12/2014
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