Rumah Inti Tumbuh (RIT) Design Transformation of Wonorejo National Housing Karanganyar. The
program was conducted in two steps. The first one was a counseling session for explaining the RIT
concept and how the right development is in order to meet the criterion of the healthy and comfort
house. This session is purposed for encouraging the owner of how important of right house
development without reducingits quality. The second step was the assistance process in developing
the RIT. This process considers the previous research conclusion in the transformation preference
that are room programming addition, room replacement and room widening. This program focused
on the undeveloped units that are planned to be transformed. The assistance will recommend the
design that might meet the every family need without compromising the health and comfort aspect.
In the end, this community service program is hoped to reduce the bad impact of the development
as it is provided by the guidance from the competent experts.
Full Text:
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