Call for Paper October 2023 & April 2024

PROMUSIKA has published a schedule with a frequency of 2 times a year, April and October.

Papers must be written in Indonesian or English and follow Author Guidelines for the initial review stage by editors and another review process by reviewers. Please see the Author's Guidelines here

Deadlines for papers submission:

FOR VOLUME 11, the Year 2023

For Publish Vol. 11 No. 2, 25 October 2023,

submission DEADLINE: 30 September 2023 > (Open Submission)

For Publish Vol. 12 No. 1, 25 April 2023,

submission DEADLINE: 31 Maret 2024 > (Open Submission)

Please register before submitting your paper to click here

If there are any problems, please send your manuscript to email:

Note: Starting from the 2023 Edition, every article submission in the PROMUSIKA Journal will be free, but if the article is published will be charged a fee.

Best regards

PROMUSIKA Editorial Team
E-ISSN: 2477-538X