Made Mouthpiece Bandung: Produksi dan Organologi Hybrid Alto Saxophone

Hery Supiarza, Gilang Ramadhan


Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan Made Mouthpiece Bandung: Produksi dan Organologi Mouthpiece Type Hybrid Alto Saxophone. Masalah penelitian ini mengkaji proses produksi mouthpiece  hybrid alto saxophone oleh made mouthpiece Bandung, Diketahui banyak pemain saxophone di Indonesia yang menggunakan produk dan mengakui kualitas mouthpiece produksi made mouthpiece Bandung. Hal ini yang membuat peneliti tertarik untuk mengkaji secara komprehensip organologi mouthpiece buatan made sebagai keilmuan yang khusus mendalami asal muasal karakter bunyi. Tujuan penelitian menganalisi bahan yang digunakan dalam produksi mouthpiece type hybrid, tahapan – tahapan pembuatan Mouthpiece type hybrid alto saxophone dan karakter bunyi mouthpiece type hybrid produksi made mouthpiece Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan analisis data dilakukan dengan tahapan reduksi, klasifikasi data, interpretasi data, dan deskripsi data dalam bentuk kata-kata, kemudian menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa karakter suara made mouthpice dihasilkan oleh sistem organologi, dan teknik produksi. Kemudian peneliti menemukan 6 tahapan proses pembuatan sehingga menghasilkan karakter bunyi khas made mouthpiece type hybrid. Tahapan tersebut meliputi 1) Proses pembuatan desain, 2) Proses pembuatan cetakan silicon, 3) proses bubut logam kuningan, 4) Proses pencetakan mouthpiece, 5)  Proses Refacing, 6) Proses Finishing. Implikasi penelitian ini dapat menjadi role model bagi peneliti selanjutnya untuk menganalisis akustik organologi mouthpiece alto saxophone dari berbagai tipe dan pembuat yang beragam.

Made Mouthpiece Bandung: Hybrid Alto Saxophone Production and Organology


This research describes Made Mouthpiece Bandung: Production and Organology of Hybrid Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Type. This research problem examines the production process of the hybrid alto saxophone mouthpiece by made mouthpiece Bandung, It is known that many saxophone players in Indonesia use products and recognize the quality of the mouthpiece produced by made mouthpiece Bandung. This makes researchers interested in comprehensively studying the organology of mouthpieces made by made as a science that specifically explores the origin of sound characters. The research aims to analyze the materials used in the production of hybrid type mouthpieces, the stages of making Mouthpiece type hybrid alto saxophone and the sound character of the hybrid type mouthpiece production made mouthpiece Bandung. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques including interviews, observation, documentation, and data analysis is carried out with the stages of reduction, data classification, data interpretation, and data description in the form of words, then draw conclusions. The results of the study found that the sound character of made mouthpice is produced by the organological system, and production techniques. Then the researcher found 6 stages of the manufacturing process so as to produce a typical made mouthpiece type hybrid sound character. These stages include 1) Design making process, 2) The process of making silicon molds, 3) brass metal lathe process, 4) Mouthpiece molding process, 5) Refacing process, 6) Finishing process. The implications of this research can be a role model for future researchers to analyze the acoustic organology of alto saxophone mouthpieces of various types and various makers.

Keywords: Organology; Sound character; Mouthpiece; Production; Saxophone


Organologi; Karakter bunyi; Mouthpiece; Produksi; Saxophone

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