Strategi Pengelolaan Materi Musikal dan Teknis Paduan Suara; Studi Kasus Pengalaman Aktivitas Pentas, Lomba, dan Penjurian

A. Gathut Bintarto T.


This research tried to figure out the complexity of challenges faced by the choir’s conductor or the vocal coacher especially to
comprehend deeply in the certain period the matters that can be observed to gain the optimum results that can be measured
significantly by the choir’s member. The early musical strategic found in the beginning of this research trying to capture the
activities of the vocal coacher based on the experiences found by the researcher during the preparation period to make the
choir’s performances or as in the position as a choir’s judge in the middle of the contest. The participated observation
conducting in this research shown the datas of similar process and the final expectation between the short (1 week to 2
months), middle (2,5‐4 months) and long period (more than 5 months) of the preparations. The supporting data collected in
this research shown that the imaginative abilities dan the experiences of the vocal coacher in coping with the different
situations of the performances and the contests brought significant effects for conducting the song’s material, working with
various rhythmical patterns, interpreting the music and for sharing the musical ideas as they processed in one or multiple
events at one time.


musical strategy; preparing duration; target orientation; choir’s technique

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