Penggunaan Kata dan Frase ’Tidak Baku’ dalam Bidang Fotografi

Zulisih Maryani


The purpose of this study is to describe the use of words and phrases
'non-standard' in the field of photography are presented along with
justification. In addition, the purpose of this study is also to describe the
factors causing the writing of words and phrases' non-standard in the field
of photography.
This research used descriptive method with three stages, namely data
collecting stage, data analysis stage, and result data analysis presentation
stage. Data collecting stage was conducted by observing the language used in words and phrases ‘non-standard’ in the field of photography. Observing was continued with the recording technique. Data analysis was conducted after the collected data had been classified. The analysis applied was describing the use of words and phrases 'non-standard' in the field of photography are presented along with justification and describing the factors causing the writing of words and phrases' non-standard in the field of photography. The presentation of result data analysis was presented in the informal and formal. The informal presentation of result data analysis used common words and the formal used tables.
Words and phrases 'non-standard' in the field of photography is the
pronunciation of words and phrases or writing does not meet standard
norms or rules that have been standardized. The words are classified as
non-standard should be avoided in formal situations or in writing scientific
papers, for example body kamera, diafrakma, detil foto, foto candit, foto
essay, fotogravi, fotografi portrait, monopot, pas photo, and tripot. That
words should be written bodi kamera, diafragma, detail foto, foto candid,
foto esai, fotografi, fotografi potret, monopod, pasfoto, and tripod.
The factors causing the writing of words and phrases' non-standard in
the field of photography include (1) the influence of foreign languages,
2 especially English, (2) ignorance of the rules EYD (writing standard words
and standard terms), and (3) the influence of non-standard pronunciation.


words, phrases, standard, non-standard, the field of photography


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