EROTISME DALAM FOTOGRAFI: Studi Kasus Foto Pentas Biduanita Dangdut dalam Akun Facebook “HaSoe SE”
Eroticism in a photograph show dangdut female singers can not be separated from intervening the photographers. Intentionally or not, the impression of erotic present by itself through a number of photographic visual elements. This research is a study eroticism in photography with a case studi of dangdut show photos female singers from in facebook
account “HaSoe SE”. A method of research using approach descriptive qualitative analysis by operating two devices namely photography and eroticism. The result from the sample of the elections with the methods convienence of sampling, been gained 13 photograph as a sample of being regarded as having value representation of data. Thirteen a photograph is then divided into three categories photograph erotic covering, a charm the body (a photograph show of singers dangdut woman when the body singer present in a singular manner or to predominant), bid and surrender (photograph presented meaning gaze and body positioning), the body and mediation a sense of sexual (photo events, sexual interaction of depicting someone good singer and people who are around him involved in the demonstration like the individual who is conducting sexual intercourse).
Keywords: erotic, Dangdut photo, Hasoe.
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