Kulsa Angelo, Alexandri Luthfi Rahman, Raden Roro Ari Prasetyowati



Penyutradaraan karya film dokumenter potret ini ialah untuk memberikan gambaran kehidupan seorang mantan petinju nasional dan petarung Pencak Dor di Kediri bernama Michael ‘Speed’ Sigarlaki, memperkenalkan adanya tarung Pencak Dor kepada masyarakat sekaligus menberikan cerminan buruknya kualitas tinju di Indonesia.

Objek penciptaan karya film dokumenter ini ialah tarung Pencak Dor Kediri dan Michael ‘Speed’ Sigarlaki. Karya ini dikemas menggunakan struktur bertutur tematis serta menerapkan gaya penceritaan cinema verite dan expository. Film Michael Speed banyak menggunakan handheld camera dan diegetic sound untuk merekam aktifitas subjeknya, subjek terkadang berbicara langsung ke arah kamera, dan di beberapa bagian digunakan juga metode wawancara untuk memperkuat informasi kepada penonton. 

Pembahasan mengenai kisah hidup Michael Speed dalam memperjuangkan eksistensinya di dunia tarung dikemas ke dalam karya tugas akhir berbentuk film dokumenter potret dengan judul karya ilmiah Eksistensi Mantan Petinju Nasional Sebagai Petarung Pencak Dor Kediri Melalui Film Dokumenter Potret “Michael Speed. Perwujudan karya film dokumenter potret Michael Speed dikemas ke dalam 3 segmen pembahasan diantaranya, segmen 1 berisi pengenalan tarung Pencak Dor dan tokoh petarung bernama Michael Sigarlaki, segmen 2 membahas eksistensi serta konflik batin Michael Sigarlaki sebagai petarung Pencak Dor profesional, dan segmen 3 menjadi penutup yang menampilkan nilai-nilai humanisme dalam diri Michael Sigarlaki sebagai kepala keluarga.

 Kata kunci: Penyutradaraan; Dokumenter Potret; Eksistensi Petarung Pencak Dor Kediri Michael Speed



The directing of this portrait documentary is to provide an overview of the life of a former national boxer and the Pencak Dor fighter in Kediri named Michael ' Speed ' Sigarlaki, introducing the existence of Pencak Dor to the community while giving the poor reflection of the quality of boxing in Indonesia.

The object of the creation of this documentary film is fighting Pencak Dor Kediri and Michael ' Speed ' Sigarlaki. The work is packed using a thematic structure and applies storytelling-style cinema verite and expository. The Film Michael Speed used a lot of handheld cameras and diegetic sound to record the activities of his subjects, the subjects sometimes spoke directly towards the camera, and in some parts used also the interview method to reinforce the information to the audience. 

The discussion on the life story of Michael Speed in the fight for his existence in the world of fighting is packed into the work of the end-task in the form of portrait documentary with the title of former national boxer existence as a combatant Pencak Dor Kediri through the portrait documentary "Michael Speed". The embodiment of the portrait documentary film Michael Speed is packed into three discussion segments, segment 1 contains the introduction of Pencak Dor's fighting and the warrior figure Michael Sigarlaki, Segment 2 discusses the existence and inner conflict of Michael Sigarlaki as a professional Pencak Dor fighter, and Segment 3 is the cover showing the values of humanism in Michael Sigarlaki as the head of

 Key words: Direction; Documentary Portraits; "The existence of Pencak Dor Kediri Fighter Michael Speed"

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/sense.v3i2.5122

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