Menyoal Ketubuhan dan Nilai Performatifnya

F.X. Widaryanto


Corporeality as an existance of human body related to object and subject around
is interesting to be explored, not only its capasity as an instrument of ritual
purposes but also as instrument of its daily “performative” expression. The
kinetic art is not considered belong to dance genre. It can be seen that the genre
is expanded to be fluid so that one finds a difficulty to define performance style
which not convensionally has form patterns indicated by its kinetic genealogy.
Through a profundity of the observation of human body motion related both
culturally and naturally to spatial “ecosystem,” one can see the performative
value instead of its conventional performance characterized by the form of
its creative tradition. Furthermore, contemporarily it can be indicated that
corporeality with performative values has a lot of opportunities to contribute
significantly within various aspects of ecocriticism. This is a kind of a critical
thinking in term of an efford to remind everybody to be aware of the relationship
between human and the environmental problems.
Keywords: corporeality; ecocriticism; performative value

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