"Vilde Chaya" Komposisi Musik Program Naratif Dari Interpretasi Buku "Where The Wild Things Are" Dalam Format String Orchestra
Penelitian ini fokus pada buku cerita bergambar anak “Where the Wild Things Are” karya dari Maurice Sendak. Unsur yang hendak dikaji dari karya tersebut adalah sudut pandang Maurice Sendak terhadap anak kecil dan kisah masa kecil Maurice Sendak serta interpretasi penulis terhadap buku “Where The Wild Things Are”. Unsur tersebut ditransformasikan ke dalam karya musik program naratif berjudul “Vilde Chaya” dalam format string orchestra. Untuk dapat mentransformasikan unsur-unsur tersebut dalam karya musik, maka dilakukan langkah-langkah elaborasi dengan melakukan pengkajian buku “Where The Wild Things Are”, emosi anak, dan juga terhadap wawancara Maurice Sendak dengan beberapa sumber yang mengandung unsur kisah pendek masa kecilnya dengan sudut pandangnya terhadap anak-anak. Hasil pengkajian tersebut dimasukan ke dalam karya “Vilde Chaya” sebagai unsur ekstramusikal utama yang menopang keseluruhan bentuk komposisi “Vilde Chaya”.
Kata kunci: Musik program, orkes gesek, vilde chaya, emosi anak, where the wild things are
This research is focused on a children’s picture book “Where The Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak. The elements studied from this piece are Maurice Sendak’s perspective towards children, Maurice Sendak’s childhood story as well as the writer’s interpretation towards the book “Where The Wild Things Are”. These elements are transformed into a work of music program titled “Vilde Chaya” in a form of string orchestra. In order to transformed those elements into a musical piece, an elaboration methode were carried out by conducting a study on the book “Where The Wild Things Are”, children’s emotion, and also on Maurice Sendak’s interviews with several sources which contain his short childhood stories with his perspective of the childlren itself. The result of this study are included in the work “Vilde Chaya” as the main extramusical elements that supports the entire composition of “Vilde Chaya”.
Keywords: program music, string orchestra, vilde chaya, children's emotion, where the wild things are
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/idea.v17i1.8746
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.24821/idea.v17i1.8746.g2985
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IDEA: Jurnal Ilmiah Seni Pertunjukan
ISSN 1411-6472
Published by Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
Website: https://journal.isi.ac.id/index.php/IDEA