Representasi Identitas Bali Pada Koleksi Tetap Museum Neka

Willy Himawan, Setiawan Sabana, A. Rikrik Kusmara


Pulau Bali memiliki budaya yang unik dengan berbagai artefak. Representasi artefak budaya ditampilkan di museum. Salah satu museum yang memiliki kunjungan wisatawan tertinggi di Bali adalah Museum Neka. Museum sebagai lembaga permanen memiliki koleksi karya seni yang dipilih sesuai dengan kepentingan pemilik institusi, termasuk Museum Neka. Penelitian ini mengamati dan mengkaji representasi visual dari koleksi permanen Museum Neka dan hubungannya dengan identitas Bali. Karya-karya seni yang dikaji dibatasi untuk karya seni rupa khususnya lukisan karena Museum Neka memiliki koleksi terbesar dari lukisan, yaitu lebih dari 300 lukisan. Neka Museum juga memfokuskan pada lukisan dalam koleksi permanennya. Lukisan-lukisan tersebut dilihat melalui metode pengamatan visual, dan analisis konten visual yang menggambarkan konstruksi identitas Bali. Pendekatan hermeneutik digunakan untuk memahami makna keseluruhan presentasi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk memetakan kecenderungan museum untuk membangun identitas budaya.


The Representation of Balinese Identity in the Permanent Collection of Neka Museum. The island of Bali has a unique culture with various artifacts. The representation of cultural artifacts is showed in the museum. One of the museums that has the highest rate of tourist visit in Bali is the Neka Museum. The museum as a permanent institution has a collection of art works in accordance with the institution’s interest, as well as the Neka Museum. Through the works of a permanent collection, this study observes and reviews the visual representation of the permanent collection of Neka Museum and its relation with the balinese identity. The art works of that are examined are restricted to works of fine art and devoted to the paintings because of Neka Museum has the largest collection of paintings for more than 300 paintings. Neka Museum also exhibits a permanent collection focuses on paintings. In addition, the paintings can be seen through visual observation methods, the analysis of visual content that describes the construction of balinese identity. Hermeneutic approach is used to understand the overall meaning of the presentation. The results of this study can be used to map the tendency of museums to build a cultural identity.




representasi, Museum Neka, identitas Bali, lukisan, representation, neka museum, Balinese identity, painting

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