Redesign the Lampit to Reduce the Workload in Dusun Semaja, Tabanan, Bali

I Nyoman Artayasa


Lampit is one of the traditional means of cultivating rice fields, which functions to level the land for planting rice. The operation of lampit can increase the work pulse up to 50% above the resting pulse and is included in the category of moderate to heavy workloads. At the end of the operation of lampit, it may cause complaints, especially on the buttocks and back, which is caused by the small and hardness of the lampit rod. There was an improvement to the lampit seating design by adding foam pads and adjusting the pressure lever found on the lampit stem to overcome this problem. This research is an experimental study using the same subject design, selected 30 research subjects from farmers in Dusun Semaja Antosari Tabanan Bali. The workload is evaluated based on the work pulse measured using the ten pulses method. In addition, the pulse was measured before and after the improvement of the lampit design. The data compared were the mean values before and after improvement, which were analyzed using paired t test (α = 0.05). The result is a significant decrease in the work rate of 19.35% (p <0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that the improved design of the lampit can reduce the workload. Therefore, farmers should continue using and perfecting the improved lampit.


workload, pulse, lampit

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