Investasi Stakeholder Organisasi Seni Pertunjukan: Pengelolaan Organisasi Papermoon Puppet Theatre

I Putu Ardiyasa


Abstrak Bagaimana merawat aset-aset organisasi seni pertunjukan? Sebagai organisasi yang memberdayakan “jasa”, pengelolaan organisasi selau mengacu pada kehadiran penonton dukungan sponsor (funding), sehingga sangat membutuhkan hadirnya kepercayaan penonton kepada organisasi yang berkelanjutan. Organisasi seni pertunjukan cenderung tidak memperhatikan aspek pemeliharaan, karena lebih fokus pada aspek karya. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini mengajukan klasifikasi investasi aset terlihat (tangible asset)dan aset tidak terlihat (intangible asset)pada pengelolaan organisasi Papermon Puppet Theatre (PPT). Sembilan orang narasumber diwawancarai untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait topik penelitian tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukkan pada era digital dewasa ini, sosial media sudah menjadi gaya hidup. Bahkan hampir sejajar dengan kebutuhan primer, sehingga setiap orang tidak bisa terlepas dari keberadaan sosial media. PPT berkewajiban selalu memberikan informasi-informasi kepada stakeholder terkait kegiatan PPT. Abstract How to take care of the assets of a performing arts organization? As an organization that empowers "services", the management of the organization always refers to the presence of audience sponsorship (funding), so it really requires the presence of audience trust in sustainable organizations. Performing arts organizations tend not to pay attention to maintenance aspects, because they are more focused on aspects of the work. Therefore, this study proposes the classification of tangible assets and intangible assets in the management of the Papermon Puppet Theater organization. Nine interviewees were interviewed to obtain information related to the research topic. The results show that in today's digital era, social media has become a lifestyle. In fact, it is almost equal to the primary needs, so that everyone cannot be separated from the existence of social media. PPT is obliged to always provide information to stakeholders regarding PPT activities.


investasi, organisasi seni pertunjukan, papermoon puppet theatre; investment, performing arts organization, papermoon puppet theatre

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Daftar Narasumber

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