p-ISSN 2477-7900 | e-ISSN 2579-7328
PRODUCTUM is a product design journal published by the Faculty of Fine Arts, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta managed by the Product Design Study Program, ISI Yogyakarta in collaboration with ADPII (Alliance of Indonesian Industrial Product Designers). This journal was first published in October 2015 with the mission of developing knowledge in the field of Industrial Product Design both design and studies involving other relevant fields of science. PRODUCTUM is published twice a year, namely the January-June and July-December editions. Starting from Volume 6 Number 1 of the January-June 2023 edition, PRODUCTUM is accredited with SINTA 3 (S-3) rank based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Number 177/E/KPT/2024 dated October 15, 2024, concerning Scientific Journal Accreditation Rankings for Period II, 2024.
The editors accept manuscript submissions from various groups, both practitioners, academics, and Product Design observers who have never been and are not currently being published in other journals/media. Manuscripts can be in the form of research results, design results, book reviews, and review articles (features) related to the field of Product Design, both in Indonesian and English.

Vol 7, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Putri Anggraeni Widyastuti, Ahmad Fuad, Stevanny Stevanny
Noni Kusumaningrum, Nicolas Hutasoit, Galih Prakoso, Gilar Sundara
Valencia Christabella, Wyna Herdiana, Hairunnas Hairunnas
Sekar Adita, Dommy Tembriano
Daniel Putra Sutedja Suwignjo, Faza Wahmuda
Kathleen Eugene Kamdhani, Yusita Kusumarini, Filipus Priyo Suprobo
Linda Dewi Kumalasari, Indri Hapsari, Guguh Sujatmiko
Susy Fatena Rostiyanti, Fendya Tristanto Condro, Handi Tjhang, Michella Junaidi Yang, Rhema Evangelina
Aldino Unggul Prakasa, Faza Wahmuda
Deki Utomo, Rahmawan Dwi Prasetya, Nor Jayadi
Galang Riezqi Aesa, Dwi Agus Susila
Etika Vidyarini, Slamet Riyadi, Yannes Martinus Pasaribu