Batik di Era Teknologi Digital
of Batik making (handmade batik and printed batik)
operates certain techniques and equipments that are
certainly influenced by the technology development. The
effects do not only touch the production process but also
the distribution process. Digital technology is also applied
in this field that in one way or another promotes the
batik art. Digital technology is already used in creating
batik design. It results in various type of design, for
example the fractal batik that makes over the geometrical
forms. Digital technology applied in designing batik
causes a more effective and efficient making process.
This technology completes the manual process that is still
employed until today.
H. Santosa Doellah, “Batik : Pengaruh zaman dan
Lingkungan”, Danarhadi, Solo, 2002.
Jasper, JE En Mas Pirngadi, “ De Batik Kunst” Van
Regee Ring Swege Gedrulet en Vitgegeven te’s
Govenhage Door De Boek & Kunts Drukkerij
v/h Mounton & co, 1916.
Ramelan, Rahadi, “Industri Batik dan
Permasalahannya”, Makalah, Yogyakarta, 2008.
Soedarso Sp., Seni Lukis Batik Indonesia : Batik
Klasik sampai Kontemporer, Taman Budaya DIY
dan IKIP Negeri Yogyakarta, 2008.
Yohanes Surya, Fisika Batik : Jejak Sains Modern
dalam Seni Tradisi Indonesia, Gramedia, Jakarta,
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