I Made Sukanadi, Arif Suharson


The study of batik in the batik centers of Giriloyo and Wijirejo Bantul is intended to
develop the existing motifs of batik mbantulan and create new motifs while maintain the
identity of batik mbantulan with its local-rich characteristics in Kabupaten Bantul. The
development of batik mbantulan has undergone the rising and falling trend. To survive and
develop artisans of batik mbantulan have to adapt themselves to the ongoing market
preference through the improved characteristics of batik mbantulan.
It is necessary to explore the possible existing motifs of batik mbantulan that have
brought up the batik center of Giriloyo and Wijirejo have. The motifs of batik mbantulan have
to be reserved in the batik products through identification, diversification, and creation of new
batik mbantulan motifs, Therefore, the new designs is expected to be more competitive in
batik market and create the spirit of creativity and innovativeness among the artisans of batik
mbantulan in the Batik Center of Giriloyo and Wijirejo Bantul.
The main obstacles that the artisans in the batik center of Giriloyo and Wijirejo have to
face up is the meeting of consumers’ orders with their new motifs. The artisans are not capable
enough to create new designs through the development of mbantulan motifs and prefer to
work on the present and general motifs of batik Yogyakarta. The study is expected to deal with
the artisans’ problem in creating new designs / motifs and improve their capacity to make new
creative and innovative designs to meet consumers’ desired standard. In turn, this will lead to a
better economic prospect for the artisans of batik mbantulan in the batik center of Giriloyo and
Key words: batik mbantulan, artisans, motifs

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/corak.v1i1.2309

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