Online Journal of ISI Yogyakarta

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TONIL: Jurnal Kajian Sastra, Teater dan Sinema

Tonil: Journal of Literature, Theatre, and Cinema Studies, issn: 1411-6464 (print) and issn: 2685-8274 (online), is a scientific journal in the fields of Theatre/Arts creations & studies under the publication banner of Theatre Department, Faculty of Performing Arts in Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta (ISI Yogyakarta). TONIL publication emphasizes its role as a medium for communication, discussion, advocation and literary refinement. TONIL serves as a vessel to accommodate the ideas and criticism from the artists, scientists, practitioners, and also all positions involved in the field of Theatre and Performing Arts. 


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TUMATA: Journal of Cultural and Arts Management

Research, comprises scholarly reports that enhance knowledge regarding art management in general, curatorial, art archive, art conservation, performing art, visual art, new media art, tourism, and culture management. This may include articles that report results of quantitative or qualitative research studies.


Conceptual Idea, publishes articles conceptually relevant to advancing the practice of art management, present theories of art management, etc. Articles may draw upon theory/or material developed in management practice, from a variety of countries and professional setting, including activities and art materials to help internationalize art management curricula.

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