Mitos Bawang sebagai Ide Penciptaan Seni Lukis
Penelitian artistik ini dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk memberi pandangan baru terhadap mitos karena sering kali mitos hanya dianggap pesan oral tuturan yang sulit dipahami dan begitu abstrak. Teori Roland Barthes digunakan untuk mencari sebuah makna denotasi dari beberapa pesan mitos yang berkembang, khususnya pada mitos tumbuhan bawang. Tujuan penelitian penciptaan seni ini adalah menciptakan karya seni yang mempunyai cara pandang positif terhadap mitos tumbuhan bawang guna memantik wacana pentingnya merawat pikiran dan menjaga kesehatan. Metode penelitian artistik ini adalah practice-based research. Peneliti sebagai subjek, menyatu dengan objek penelitian, dalam penghayatan secara timbal-balik (prinsip in and through), serta merujuk metode penciptaan terpublikasi agar pemaparannya rinci dan tidak subjektif. Terdapat lima tahapan pada metode penciptaan David Campbell yang dijadikan rujukan, yaitu preparation, concentration, incubation, illumination, dan verification. Hasil penelitian ini berupa karya yang merupakan hasil olah permasalahan mitos tumbuhan bawang. Karya ini secara teknis menggunakan teknik akuarel dengan penggunaan media dari olahan tumbuhan bawang dan beberapa bahan alam lain untuk mempertajam korelasi ide gagasan konsep dan medium sehingga audiens dapat menangkap pesan yang terkandung di dalam karya.
The Myth of Union as Creation Idea of Painting
Artistic research is carried out in an effort to give a new look at the myth. Because that myth is often just a speech message that is hard to understand and so abstract. By using the theory of Roland barthes to seek a denological meaning of several texts that developed. The purpose of this art creation research is to create works of art that have a positive view of myths, in addition to making myths a means of love for the environment, encouraged by innovative materials and exploratory use of natural dyes to stimulate the notion of the importance of caring for our minds and maintaining the relationship between man and nature and the creator. This method of artistic research is practice based research, researchers fused with objects that are done in mutual application (the in and through principle), and must also refer to the method of published creation, thus avoiding its subjective and elaborate design. There are 5 stages in the referral of David Campbell's creative methods: preparation, concentration, interbation, tolerance, and verification. This study was a work that was the product of a sort of Myth problem, such as definitions and philosophical myths. The work is technically the product of a variety of mythical oral messages as well as visual references, using an acupuncture technique using a medium of natural processed to improve the correlations of concept ideas and mediums in harmony with the environment and being able to project positive vibrations to maintain the environment at all times.
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