Animation Design for Garbage Recycling in Yogyakarta

Mr. Riswanto S1


Definision of Animation in a guidebook “Animation Workshop Guide,
written by Robi Angler, word Animation is taken from Latin language“anima”, it
means a soul or vital breath. Animation often to be defined as an activity to
enlive from static object then can make some movements or only make an
impression to describe that the object moves as if it is doing by itself. Mostly,
animation talks about form of an object that can change to create movement and
life. So, this definitinion explains that animation can create something to become
life or move. In English-Indonesian Dictionary by John M. Echols and Hasan
Sadily, Animate is something life, soul: (1) to enlive, to be soul, to flush, to
splendor, Animated: (1) exciting, (2) life, Animation, (noun). Spirit, splendor,
This final assignment design is tittled “Educational Animation Design for
Garbage Recycling in Yogyakarta”. This is a presentation design to convey about
garbage problems generally, garbage problem in Yogyakarta city, causalities and
solutions that can be done to this garbage problem. Presentated by animation,
there is no main character or human characterization inside, all animated objects
are iconic or symbolic form as illustration to describe messages that want to be
conveyed. This Presentasion uses compound animation techniques between
motion graphic animation and 3D animation.
This animation presentation design is made in a cooperation with BLH of
Yogyakarta city as data source and finally this design artwork will be used by
BLH as the media for education and counseling or can be used for other needs to
support garbage recycling programs independently in Yogyakarta city.
Keywords: Garbage, Education, Yogyakarta.


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