Keruncong Stambul Fajar Dalam Acara Selamat Laut Di Pulau Mendanau Kabupaten Belitung

Irwansyah Irwansyah


Mendanau Island is one of the islands located in Belitung archipelago. People in Mendanau island mostly work as fishermen. The fishermen community in Mendanau island, precisely in the village of Suak Gual, held a ceremony once a year called Selamat Laut. This ceremony was held in several days by performing traditional art performance, one of them is Keruncong Stambul Fajar(KSF) music. KSF music consists of several instruments namely three ukulele, one viul / violin, one acoustic guitar, and a bass guitar. KSF music is played at the completion of the Selamat Laut ceremony during a shared meal called Bedulang. This study aims to reveal the form of presentation, function and reason of KSF music taking part in the ceremony. The ethnomusicological approach is used as the main approach in this study, with the help of other sciences such as anthropology, sociology and linguistics. The research was conducted by field observation and literature review.

The Selamat Laut ceremony is a form of expression of the request for salvation and a request to be kept away from the bad things that may happen while sailing, which in the implementation is led by a village shaman followed by all fishing communities in the village of Suak Gual. KSF music itself was involved in the ceremony as the performers after the Selamat Laut ceremony to accompany the people enjoying the meal, that presented as musical and pantun performances using traditional clothes on the stage. The KSF Group of Pengekar Campo presenting two songs called KSF Semol and KSF Dua Mol, with a musical form of 20 bars for KSF Semol and 18 bars for KSF Dua Mol. Music KSF has two functions i.e. primary and secondary function. The primary functions included the function as a means of entertainment, and as an aesthetic presentation. Secondary functions included the function as solidarity enchancher and as a communication medium. Through the function of the KSF music make it as music that always involved in various events, that KSF music can be said as the identity of the Mendanau island community.


Keywords: Selamat Laut Ceremony, Musical Performance, Keruncong Stambul Fajar.


Keroncong, Selamat laut, Mendanau, Belitung

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