Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Selonding Manuscript Writing Instructions:

  1. Manuscripts are original manuscripts relating to ideas, thoughts, studies, and the creation of Indonesian ethnic music and have never been published
  2. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian with 1.5 spaces apart, using time new roman font size 12, two columns with 7-15 pages long quarto
  3. Systematics of writing following IMRAD: Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Bibliography
  4. The title describes the subject of the article: Informative, Straightforward and Unique
  5. Author's name accompanied by Institution or Profession, email address as correspondence
  6. Abstract is written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian with a maximum of 200 words. The abstract describes object phenomena (material and formal), research objectives, Research Methods, Results, and Conclusions, Keywords
  7. The introduction contains a brief description of the phenomenon or problem, material, and formal objects as well as an explicit description of the theory
  8. The Research Method contains a brief description of the method used. For articles in the field of study, the research method is equipped with a brief description of data collection and data analysis techniques, while for articles in the field of creation (base research and led research), the research method includes creation research methods.
  9. Results and Discussion are objective descriptions of research findings or answers
  10. Conclusion is the formulation of research results
  11. Bibliography organized by APA
  12. Tables are numbered and titled with descriptions
  13. Illustrations in the form of pictures or graphics are captioned