The time until now the existence of tepak pencug has not found a place in the hearts of the composers or other creators to make it as the source of creation in realizing a work of art (music). Though tepak pencug often used as a creativity event of a rider in accompanying dance jaipong for improvisation rythm. That way, it is clear that many patterns or motifs of Sundanese drums are born by improvisations. That is the good idea for creation to be developed into a work of music. Based on the symptoms of that’s the meaning, the idea that becomes an offer in the work of pencug music is to cultivate or explore the motives that exist in kendang sunda (especially tepak pencug) into a work of art object (music).The purpose of the creation of the compositions of musical works is to develop patterns, rhythms and motifs in the form of music composition. While the benefit is to contribute thoughts about the process of creation through the development of patterns, rhythms and motifs in the drum kendang Sunda to other creators. The realization of the work of this musical composition can’t be separated from various sources that provide inspiration and guidance or reference. This work uses two types of sources as a reference, namely the source of art work and some sources of books (literature of review). The work of the composition of pencug music refers to the concept of working on Suwanda as the owner and creator of tepak kendang jaipongan. These methods include; Salambar directly saayana tinu heubeul (what it is from the first), janten ku nyira (so by itself or improvisation) and ngarobah nu aya (change existing). The form of musical composition of pencug composition refers to the concept of musical form of vocal-instrumental mix (sekar gending). The structure of the composition of the music composition consists of three parts, among which part bubuka, stuffing and ending.
Keywords: Tepak Pencug, Development, Sekar Gending.
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