Muhammad Solidio Gloryan Nasir


The Chinese Benteng community which inhabits the Tangerang Banten area is a community that has customs as practiced by its ancestors from China. The tradition he lived is the Peh-Cun ceremony. The party was carried out from ritual processions to entertainment in the form of dragon boat racing competitions. This is an attraction in conducting a study of the object.

            The research uses qualitative methods. Direct observations are made to understand some of the phenomena that exist during the ceremony by taking data in the field and interviews.

            The results of this study consisted of two aspects, first, the manifestation of the obedience and loyalty of the Chinese Benteng community towards Tian (God) and Khut Guan (the legendary figure in the Peh-Cun ceremony). The second result, the Peh-Cun celebration besides providing entertainment to the community, there was also an encouragement that encouraged the people of Chinese Benteng. It was seen when the dragon boat racing competition accompanied by drummers and shouts could be responded by the contest participants. If the musical phenomenon is drawn into a broader realm, the dragon boat race can motivate the Chinese Benteng ethnic community to remain strong and firm in their lives, namely the realization of balance, as found in the Yin-Yang concept that they believe in.


Peh-Cun Tambur, Chinese benteng community, Dragon Boat Race Competition

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/selonding.v15i1.3110

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