Penelitian ini hendak mengkaji fungsi-fungsi dokumenter dalam karya fotografi yang divisualisasikan berdampingan dengan gambar-gambar komik dalam sebuah novel grafis berjudul ‘The Photographer: Into War-Torn Afghanistan with Doctors without Borders’. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu apakah nilai dokumenter karya foto bisa tetap diapresiasi layaknya foto dokumenter ataukah ada peralihan fungsi ketika dua jenis piktorial disandingkan bersamaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menganalisis adalah metode kualitatif yang menganggap bahwa setiap petunjuk adalah penting untuk dianalisis. Kemudian potongan-potongan informasi yang didapat dikaji dengan pendekatan fotografi dokumenter. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam ranah ilmu kajian fotografi sekaligus kajian komik (comic studies). Dalam ranah fotografi, fotografi dokumenter akan makin ‘berbicara’ dan memaksimalkan fungsinya ketika terbantu dengan teks piktorial lain. Untuk ranah kajian komik, hadirnya citraan fotografi justru akan memperjelas pesan yang hendak disampaikan kepada khalayak melalui gambar-gambarnya.
Kata kunci: jukstaposisi, fotografi, novel grafis, dokumenter
Juxtaposition of Photography in a Graphic Novel Titled ‘The Photographer’.
This research studied the documentary function in photography works visualized side to side with the comic drawings in a graphic novel titled ‘The Photographer:Into War-Torn Afghanistan with Doctors without Borders’. The aim of this research was to find out whether the documentary photographs are still appreciated as they are, or there are any changes of function when those two pictorials are juxtaposed. The method employed in this research was qualitative method which considered that each clue was important to be analyzed. Then, each of them would be studied using approaches from the view point of documentary photography. The result of this research hopefully could give a contribution to the photography studies and comic studies. Photographs will ‘speak louder’ and will have their greatest value when supported by other kind of pictorials. While in comic studies, the photographs will be able to send messages better through their drawings when juxtaposed with photographs.
Keywords: juxtaposition, photography, graphic novel, documentary
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/specta.v2i2.2554
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