A Critical Literature Review of Mediatization of Art on Instagram
A critical review of the literature was conducted to investigate the mediatization of art on Instagram. Finding out about fine art on Instagram through empirical studies, identifying knowledge gaps, and possible future developments can all be done by conducting a critical literature review. To search for the required articles, Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) are used by combining and filtering search terms effectively. The main databases were searched using the following terms: (“art” OR “visual arts” OR “contemporary art”) AND (“Instagram” OR “Instagram Art”) AND (“Mediatization” OR “art” OR “Visual Arts”). Databases used include Scopus, JSTOR, Google Scholar. From the search, 198 references were obtained, after checking the relevance it was decided that 24 articles were worthy of being used as references in a critical literature review. Based on observations of previously existing literature, this literature can be categorized into three parts, namely: Instagram as a data source and analyzing the visual form of uploads, Study of arts on Instagram, Study of mediatization of fine arts on Instagram.
Tinjauan Pustaka Kritis Mediatisasi Seni di Instagram
Tinjauan kritis terhadap literatur dilakukan untuk menyelidiki mediatisasi seni di Instagram. Mencari tahu tentang seni rupa di Instagram melalui kajian empiris, mengidentifikasi kesenjangan pengetahuan, dan kemungkinan perkembangan di masa depan, semuanya dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan tinjauan literatur kritis. Untuk mencari artikel yang dibutuhkan, digunakan operator Boolean (AND, OR, NOT) dengan menggabungkan dan memfilter istilah pencarian secara efektif. Basis data utama dicari menggunakan istilah berikut: (“seni” ATAU “seni visual” ATAU “seni kontemporer”) DAN (“Instagram” ATAU “Seni Instagram”) DAN (“Mediatisasi” ATAU “seni” ATAU “Seni Visual” ). Database yang digunakan antara lain : Scopus, JSTOR, Google Scholar. Dari penelusuran diperoleh 198 referensi, setelah dilakukan pengecekan relevansi diputuskan 24 artikel layak dijadikan rujukan dalam tinjauan pustaka kritis. Berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap literatur-literatur yang telah ada sebelumnya, maka literatur ini dapat dikategorikan menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu: Instagram sebagai sumber data dan menganalisis bentuk visual unggahan, Kajian seni rupa di Instagram, Kajian mediatisasi seni rupa di Instagram.
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