Mr. Andono


work o f art .is. in essence, a language in its visual form. It is the visualisation o f the jtersonal
expression o f an artist. Nowadays, a work o f art not merely possesses a practical function but also becomcs
an expressive work in a two or three-dimensional format. Therefore, it can be considered as a text containing
certain meanings and messages which can be analysed, for example, using a semiotics approach. This
analysis can be carried out since there is a seiniotic proccss involving the signs within a work o f art.
Roland Barthes presents a theory o f mythical analysis in his semiotics approach which is called
"the order seiniological system. " It consists o f two levels, i.e. language as the first order semiological system,
and myth as the second. The first level is a denotation level. A work o f art - as an image - possesses an iconic
message. An explanation at this level gives meaning to the literal or the non-coded iconic message which
can be seen from indicators o f observable reality. The second level (level o f connotation) is the reading o f the
symbolic message, -which is based on a certain cultural code or familiarity towards a particular stereotype.
In this case, an image or artwork with such a connotation signifies an ideology, while that being signified
is called rhetoric or cannot at or.
Works to be analysed are /DM. Mekomatia's “Dikejar Waktu" and Uliana Iraw.vii's "Tak Ada
Batas." These are examples o f images which possess iconic messages: literal/denotative as well as symbolic.
In addition, they also contain a contextual "text" (the title o f the work). The structure is able to be used
as a reference in giving meaning or reading a urork o f art, denotatively and connotatively as well. Tne
communicative relationship behoeen the existing iconic messages guides a person in giving it meaning.
Keywords: art, semiotics, mythical theory


seni rupa, desain

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/ars.v1i1.262


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