Nofrial Nofrial


Finishing is the final stage of the work process of making wood products, including
the provision of certain materials, to embellish, visually highlight and protect the wood surface.
Wood products would be more attractive when finished to the right. Realize an attractive
appearance finishing something very important, therefore there is need for a new discovery for
wood finishing materials.
Herbs as a natural material potential for wood products finishing materials. In
addition to friendly environment, plants are also easy to obtain. Plants of various types can be
processed and used as a wood finishing material, either as a basic dye, a mixture of dyes, as
well as the final finishing. In these experiments conducted on turmeric, gum gambier, betel
leaves, sticks henna, mangosteen rind, skin jengkol, and injet for coloring wood.
Through experimental research, with the wet technique and the results indicate sap
gambier saffron color the best, producing the yellow color of turmeric, gambier and injet sap
produces a red color maroon. The maximum color is produced in addition to the basic material
containing pigment is good, as well as precise materials processing techniques, as well as
absorption of the pigments are also good timber. Meanwhile, the color produced by betel
leaves, sticks henna, mangosteen rind, skin jengkol, less than the maximum. It is based on the
assumption of researchers due to lack / incompatibility processing techniques such materials.
Keywords: finishing, wood, natural materials.

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