H E R M E N E U T I K A Sebuah Teori Lama Mengenai Interpretasi Teks yang Tampak Baru

Purwito Purwito


Hermeneutics as an object of study is a means of understanding the ”actual” as old as
human beings age on this earth. Hermeneutics is very important in the process of human
interaction, so the study was conducted to study the hermeneutics in his position as a science
of interpretation that can be studied in ontological, epistemological, and axiological. As a
science, hermeneutics emerged as a dominant movement in European Protestant theology
which states that hermeneutics is a focal point of the current theological issues.
Associated with his position as a science, the study was conducted to determine
hermeneutics in the concept of etymology and terminology, knowing on historically with the
figures who pioneered the science of it, his position as a theory of interpretation
multidisciplinary, as well as the position and function as a historiographical approach through
philological approach.
Keywords: hermeneutics, the theory of interpretation, and text.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/corak.v1i1.2312

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