Estetika Logo Magelang Kota Sejuta Bunga
Abstract. In 2012,Magelang city proclaimed as the City of Million Flowers. An important element to keep brand awareness and public attention awake is the aesthetic element. The main visual form is the logo. Logo is a visual identity that reflects from the vision, mission of the organization, the company, the city or personality. The logo can not yet be said to represent the philosophy of Magelang City Million Flowers. The aesthetic element of the logo does not reflect the philosophy of the city branding program. The aesthetic element of logo weight is less strong. The message conveyed is less clear because of the influence of the element of the form that is less precise, the subject color and the placement of writing a million flowers that require small font size, so the legibility is low. The aesthetic element of logo appearance is less maximize the type of promotion media, so the communication process is hampered.
This research analyzes the aesthetics of Magelang City logo’s with tagline Magelang City of Million Flowers through qualitative method. The theory of aesthetics used is a theory written by AAM. Djelantik in 1999, regarding the three major elements in aesthetics: form, weight, and appearance.
Keywords: Aesthetic, Design, Communication and Visual
Relevance to Visual Communication Design Practice: This research is expected to add insight and perspective in the development of visual communication design science, which is the aesthetic and functional visual branding of the city.
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