Abstract.Jaka Kembang Kuning is one of the acts performed in Wayang Beber Pacitan. It tells about Dewi Sekartaji leaving her kingdom, Kediri. The story is downright attractive. However, people are no longer in enthusiasm to enjoy this performing art. It is due to the more rich performance choices offered to them. The bad condition of the wayang (puppets) worsens this condition. Reperforming Jaka Kembang Kuning in a new mode of presentation is an effort to revitalize Wayang Beber Pacitan. One of the new promising media that can be used is motion comic. It is highly suggested that Indonesian comic is rooted in wayang beber. Motion comic as a brand new way to present comic recently gains popularity among comic lovers, the youth in particular. It is hoped that the young generation will be persuaded to enjoy the performance by the animation and the audio-visual used in it. In turn, this positive impact will result in the preservation of wayang beber as a cultural heritage of Indonesia.
Keywords:Wayang Beber Pacitan, Jaka Kembang Kuning, comic, motion comic.Full Text:
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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