Pendidikan Desain Komunikasi Visual dalam Era Society 5.0
The world community order has undergone a revolution along with the development of increasingly massive information and communication technology. All aspects of life are filled by the movement of communication through cyber media that is useful for crossing the limitations of space and time. This revolution then brought a lot of convenience in connecting cross-community relations or creating new community spaces in the internet network. This communication media produces a lot of data so that it can be used by several other users as a reference in mapping people's habits that can be coordinated by certain communities to facilitate the problems that are present. The involvement of people's lives and Internet-based information technology media is called revolution Society 5.0. As a problem solving-based education, Visual Communication Design that utilizes media as a means of communication must be able to blend in the space. This paper attempts to describe the role of DKV Education in the Society of Society 5.0. The method used is a literature review from various study sources, both from research and from the thoughts of other authors. So that new ideas will be obtained in opening new insights to produce Graduate Achievements that can be useful for the Society 5.0.
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