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IDEA: Jurnal Ilmiah Seni Pertunjukan
Initials | idea |
Abbreviation | Idea. Seni |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (March & September) |
DOI | prefix 10.24821 |
Editor in Chief | Kustap, S.Sn., M.Sn |
Managing Editor | Kurnia Rahmad Dhani, M.A |
Publisher | Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Garuda |
IDEA: Jurnal Ilmiah Seni Pertunjukan draws its contributions from academics and practitioner-researchers in the performing arts. It acts as a forum for critical scholarship, innovative practice, and creative pedagogy, addressing themes that may be domain-specific (e.g., theatre, dance, music, live art, karawitan, stage design, and performing arts in general) or situated at the convergence of two or more disciplines.
These topics are addressed in full-length academic articles, critical statements on current issues, developmental practice, and reviews of performing arts.
The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners, and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field. Furthermore, it allows visual and performing arts researchers and developers with an interest in the performance arts to be fully engaged in the critical debates surrounding their work.
All articles are subject to initial Editor screening and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process before publication.
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Indonesian Journal of Performing Arts Education
Journal title | Indonesian Journal of Performing Arts Education |
Initials | IJOPAED |
First published | 2021 |
Editor in chief | Ujang Nendra Pratama |
Online ISSN | 2775-0884 |
Print ISSN | 2807-3819 |
DOI Prefix | 10.24821 by ![]() |
Publisher | Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta |
Frequency | 2 issues per year: Januari & Juli |
Indexed | Google Schoolar, Crossref, One Search, Garuda, Dimension. |
Focus & Scope | Indonesian Journal of Performing Arts Education (IJOPAED) merupakan jurnal bidang Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan penelitian dan kajian pada pendidikan seni pertunjukan terintegrasi (lingkup pedagogi drama, tari, musik). IJOPAED menyambut naskah-naskah yang belum diterbitkan guna memajukan publikasi ilmiah terkait Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan baik dalam area pendidikan dasar, menengah, kejuruan, maupun pendidikan tinggi, serta pendidikan yang sifatnya non-formal (sanggar dan studio seni). Pertimbangan utama adalah menyajikan naskah dengan metode kualitatif, kuantitatif, dan campuran, serta ulasan kebijakan-regulasi ataupun laporan best practice. Penciptaan karya seni pertunjukan yang dilengkapi dengan beberapa kajian kependidikan yang kuat juga dapat dipertimbangkan. |
Selamat datang di Open Journal System Indonesian Journal of Performing Arts Education (IJOPAED) - Kami dengan bangga menginformasikan bahwa IJOPAED (E-ISSN: 2775-0884) adalah sebuah media publikasi ilmiah pada bidang pendidikan seni pertunjukan terintegrasi. Untuk para penulis yang berminat menerbitkan naskahnya silakan mendaftarkan akun. Penulis dimohon menyesuaikan naskah artikelnya menggunakan template IJOPAED dengan terlebih dahulu menyesuaikan sistematika isinya sebagaimana panduan penulisan naskah IJOPAED.
Jika Anda sudah memiliki username/password IJOPAED silakan langsung login.
Empat minggu | 6-12 minggu |
Dari submit ke keputusan pertama | Proses review naskah |
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International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies
Journal title | IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies) |
Initials | IJCAS |
Abbreviation | IJCAS |
Frequency | 2 issues per year: June and December |
DOI | Prefix 10.2481 by![]() ![]() |
ISSN | 2406-9760 (Online) | 2339-191X (Print) |
Publisher | Graduate School of Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
Citation | Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions |
Focus and Scope | Recently, the value of arts studies in higher education level is often phrased in enrichment terms- helping scholars find their voices, and tapping into their undiscovered talents. IJCAS focuses on the important efforts of input and output quality rising of art education today through the experiences exchange among educators, artists, and researchers with their very own background and specializations. Its primary goals is to promote pioneering research on creative and arts studies also to foster the sort of newest point of views from art field or non-art field to widely open to support each other. The journal aims to stimulate an interdisciplinary paradigm that embraces multiple perspectives and applies this paradigm to become an effective tool in art higher institution-wide reform and fixing some of biggest educational challenges to the urban imperative that defines this century. IJCAS will publish thoughtprovoking interdisciplinary articles, reviews, commentary, visual and multi-media works that engage critical issues, themes and debates related to the arts, humanities and social sciences. Topics of special interest to IJCAS include ethnomusicology, cultural creation, social inclusion, social change, cultural management, creative industry, arts education, performing arts, and visual arts. |
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p-ISSN 2460-0830 | e-ISSN 2615-2940
INVENSI adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Penciptaan dan Pengkajian Seni, Program Pascasarjana Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, dengan frekuensi terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Jurnal INVENSI memuat semua tulisan yang berobjek materi seni, baik seni pertunjukan, seni rupa, maupun seni media rekam, dan bersifat multidimensional. INVENSI bermaksud untuk memberikan ruang mewadahi berbagai macam ide, gagasan, atau kritik yang merupakan hasil penelitian empiris kuantitatif dan kualitatif terkait dengan seni pertunjukan, seni rupa, dan seni media rekam yang belum pernah diterbitkan dalam bentuk apapun.
Terindeks oleh: SINTA-Science and Technology Index, Google Scholar, Garuda-Garba Rujukan Digital, Indonesia One Search by Perpusnas, Dimensions
Terakreditasi SINTA-Science and Technology Index
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