Penelitian ini menggali berbagai cara Artificial Intelligence (AI) diintegrasikan dalam proses kreatif fotografi, termasuk penggunaan AI untuk analisis gambar, pengenalan pola, dan bahkan pembuatan komposisi visual. Penelitian ini membahas peran dari teknologi AI dalam industri fotografi modern, terutama dalam konteks pengembangan ide kreatif. Dengan munculnya era digital dan disrupsi teknologi, fotografi mengalami transformasi yang signifikan. Melalui tinjauan literatur dan studi kasus, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi penggunaan AI dalam meningkatkan kreativitas dan inovasi dalam fotografi, serta implikasinya terhadap paradigma ide kreatif penciptaan fotografi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini menyoroti adaptasi terhadap perkembangan teknologi AI dalam industri fotografi, serta potensinya untuk memperkaya pengalaman visual dan menciptakan ide-ide baru yang inovatif. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah AI dapat dijadikan medium untuk menyediakan referensi dan inspirasi dalam pengembangan ideasional fotografi.
Photography in the Era of Disruption: Artificial Intelligence as a Reference in Developing Creative Photography Ideas. This research explores various ways in which AI is integrated into the creative process of photography, including the use of AI for image analysis, pattern recognition, and even visual composition. The study discusses the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the modern photography industry, particularly in the context of creative idea development. With the emergence of the digital era and technological disruption, photography has undergone significant transformation. Through literature review and case studies, this research explores the use of AI in enhancing creativity and innovation in photography, as well as its implications for the paradigm of creative ideas in photography creation. The research method used was qualitative with a descriptive approach. This study highlights the adaptation to the development of AI technology in the photography industry, as well as its potential to enrich visual experiences and create innovative new ideas. The conclusion of this research is that Artificial Intelligence can be used as a medium to provide references and inspiration in the development of conceptual photography ideas.
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