Yohanes Baptista Baut Priambodo, Ghalif Putra Sadewa


Pemotretan produk otomotif merupakan kegiatan dengan tingkat kesulitan dan kompleksitas penataan cahaya yang sangat tinggi. Proses produksi pemotretan satu unit sepeda motor di studio membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama karena memerlukan peralatan dan penataan cahaya yang kompleks. Fotografer sering mengalami stres dan kesulitan dalam mengendalikan, memosisikan, dan menghitung perbandingan intensitas cahaya yang mengenai objek sepeda motor di studio. Kesulitan semakin bertambah ketika sumber cahaya yang digunakan lebih dari lima unit guna mencapai hasil pemotretan yang maksimal. Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan inovasi dalam bidang fotografi, sebagai seorang pengajar dan peneliti, tertantang untuk bereksperimen dan mencari alternatif metode pemotretan dalam produksi foto otomotif di studio. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian tindakan (action research) dan berfokus pada pengembangan metode penggunaan satu sumber cahaya buatan dalam pemotretan sepeda motor. Metode ini merupakan suatu rangkaian metode produksi fotografi komersial, yaitu satu buah sumber cahaya ditempatkan secara berpindah-pindah secara prosedural, terukur, dan terarah mengelilingi objek. Proses ini kemudian menghasilkan beberapa data foto dengan kesamaan posisi objek, tetapi dengan karakter, arah, dan intensitas cahaya yang berbeda pada tiap fotonya. Pada tahap akhir, data foto tersebut digabungkan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Photoshop. Hasil penelitian berupa pengetahuan dan penjabaran rangkaian proses atau prosedur pemotretan menggunakan satu sumber cahaya buatan dalam pemotretan sepeda motor beserta analisis teknisnya.


The Method of Utilizing One Source of Artificial Light in Motorcycle Photoshoot. Photographing automotive products is a photography that has a high level of difficulty and complexity in arranging lighting. The production process of photographing a motorcycle unit in the studio can be time consuming because it requires a complex set of equipment and lighting arrangements. Photographers can be under a lot of stress when they experience difficulty in controlling, positioning, and calculating the intensity of light that hits the object, the motorcycle, in the studio. This will be even more difficult when the lighting sources used are more than five units and it could even reach twelve units to achieve the maximum results of a photoshoot. With the advancement of technology and photography innovation, as a researcher and educator, there is a challenge to experiment and seek alternative methods, ways, or methods to overcome automotive photo production issues in the studio. This research used a qualitative method focusing on the development of the method of using one artificial light source. This method was a series of commercial photography production methods, where in its execution, one light source was placed procedurally, measurably, and directionally around the object. This process produced several photo data with the same object positions but different characteristics, directions, and intensities of light in each photo. In the final stage, the photo data was stacked and merged using Photoshop software. The results of the study are knowledge and elaboration of the series of processes or procedures for photographing using one artificial light source in motorcycle photoshoot, along with its technical analysis.


light; method; photography; automotive; motorcycle


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