Nicoline Patricia Malina merupakan salah seorang fotografer asal Indonesia di bidang mode, dan karya fotonya sering dimuat di dalam majalah. Umumnya, karya foto editorial mode yang ditampilkan menghadirkan perpaduan antara gaya modern dengan unsur tradisi. Hal tersebut menjadi landasan utama untuk dijadikan sebagai objek kajian. Objek penelitian yang ditelaah berupa foto editorial mode di majalah Harper’s Bazaar Indonesia edisi Mei 2010 yang bertajuk “Swarnadipa”, “Revival of Kebaya” yang diterbitkan pada Agustus 2013, edisi Agustus 2014 “Kembali ke Bali” dan yang terakhir edisi September 2014 “Journey To The East”. Analisis dibantu menggunakan teori estetika fotografi dalam tataran ideasional dan teknikal, serta penggunaan teori kritik seni fotografi guna memperkuat hasil analisis interpretasi berdasarkan aspek-aspek formal fotografi dan nilai-nilai estetik yang terdapat di dalamnya. Ia juga memanfaatkan cahaya alami matahari sebagai pencahyaan utama dalam menghasilkan sebuah foto. Foto-foto editorial mode karya Nicoline menunjukkan foto mode dengan persepsi yang berbeda, yaitu perkembangan dunia mode kontemporer dengan eksplorasi keindahan alam dan kultur tradisi budaya di Indonesia.
Kata kunci: editorial mode, Nicoline Patricia Malina, Harper’s Bazaar
Photography Criticism: Fashion Editorial Photo by Nicoline Patrcia Malina in Indonesian Harper’s Bazaar Magazine. Nicoline Patricia Malina is an Indonesian fashion photographer, her photo works are widely published in magazine. In general, editorial fashion photos by Nicoline are displayed by presenting a mix of modern and traditional aspects. This mix of modern and traditional aspects of this fashion became a basic approach of the photographic research. The objects are editorial fashion photo by her which were published in Indonesian Harper’s Bazaar Magazine, in May 2010 edition entitled “Swarnadwipa”, “Revival of Kebaya” those were published in August 2013, “Kembali ke Bali” in August 2014, and the last edition “Journey to the East” in September 2014. This analysis was aided by the aesthetic theory of photography at the ideational and technical level, as well also used the art criticsm theory of photography to strengthen the result of the interpretation analysis based on the formal aspect of photography and the aesthetic values in them. The lighting technique involved in the production of those photos were applied with the sunlight as the main lighting in producing a photo. Fashion editorial by Nicoline in those photos showing some fashion photos with different perceptions, namely the development of the contemporary fashion with exploration environment and cultural tradition of Indonesia.
Keywords: fashion editorial, Nicoline Patricia Malina, Harper’s Bazaar
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/specta.v3i2.2833
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